A Year of Remarkable Highlights

A Year of Remarkable Highlights

It has been an outstanding year of achievements for Mount Sinai's departments of Neurosurgery and Neurology on the clinical, research, and innovative fronts. Read on to see how our teams are shaping the future of medicine and science.

Funding and Research Highlights:

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Industry Funding Mount Sinai Neurosurgery ranks No. 1 in NIH funding in New York State ($5.5 million) with an additional $24.2 million in industry funding. Our Neurology Department continues to achieve year-over-year growth in sponsored research funding, reaching more than $45 million in 2024.

  • Launching a Vascular Malformation Research Center Led by Alejandro Berenstein, MD, and Johanna Fifi, MD, the Center is advancing vascular malformation research through genomic and proteomic analysis, innovative models, and clinical trials. Its database of more than 3,000 cases supports targeted therapies and global collaboration to improve patient outcomes. Facilities include a monoplane angiography unit for 3D and 4D imaging.

  • Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Breakthroughs Presented at the 2024 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting Synchron's COMMAND trial showcased the safety and efficacy of the Stentrode BCI over 12 months in a study led by Mount Sinai in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the University of Buffalo, and Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Revolutionizing Neonatal Care with Artificial Intelligence Neurologist Madeline Fields, MD, and her team published findings on "Pose AI," a deep learning algorithm providing real-time neurologic metrics in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Neurotechnology Initiatives:

  • Inaugural New York BCI Symposium Under the leadership of Mount Sinai’s Joshua B. Bederson, MD, the symposium brought together more than 275 attendees. The event showcased pioneering advances in BCI technology.

  • A Vital Partner for the MedTech Industry Led by Dr. Bederson and Benjamin Rapoport, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai BioDesign has significantly expanded its collaborations to enhance and expedite the development of surgical technologies through preclinical trial support, clinical study management, algorithm development, and more.

  • Global Reach of the Abimael Laboratory of Neurometabolism The lab of Isaac Marin-Valencia, MD, analyzes patient samples from hospitals worldwide utilizing advanced GC-MS and LC-MS platforms, investigating metabolic markers, including Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids, and hormones. Additionally, it offers ¹³C tracing for metabolic flux studies across various tissue types, providing support in sample collection, experimental design, and data interpretation.

New Recruits:

  • Rachel E. Zolno, MD: Pediatric neurology specialist focused on multiple sclerosis and related neuroinflammatory disorders;

  • Rita Okumu, MD: Neuro-ophthalmologist;

  • Stephen P. Miranda, MD, MS: Neurosurgeon specializing in peripheral nerve (nerve entrapment, pain, tumors, and trauma) and spine neurosurgery; and

  • Jonathan Sisti, MD: Cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgeon (2025).


Joshua B. Bederson, MD

Joshua B. Bederson, MD

Leonard I. Malis, MD/Corinne and Joseph Graber Professor of Neurosurgery and Chair, Department of Neurosurgery at the Mount Sinai Health System

Barbara G. Vickrey, MD, MPH

Barbara G. Vickrey, MD, MPH

Henry P. and Georgette Goldschmidt Professor of Neurology, and Chair of Neurology, Mount Sinai Health System