How Mount Sinai Is Driving New Discoveries and Insights Through Its Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging CoRE

THIS IS A shared resource facility providing access to imaging equipment and analysis tools, housing widefield, laser scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal, multiphoton, light-sheet, and super-resolution microscopes, along with two transmission electron microscopes and a high-content screener.

The facility also has a high-end centralized workstation for image processing, high performance computing (HPC) (for example, deep learning), and big-data storage, and also provides access to several commercial software programs for image analysis and data quantification.

The Brain in Action

Cleared mouse brain stained for FOS (red channel, marks activated neurons); CD31 (green channel, marks vasculature epithelium); and autofluorescence (gray channel, shows general brain structure). Rendered surfaces and used slicers over volumetric images showcase some basic functionality of Mount Sinai’s 3D rendering program.

Nikolaos Tzavaras, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, and Operations Manager, Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging CoRE

Dr. Tzavaras is developing image acquisition and analysis strategies for whole-organ imaging and extracting correlative imaging data using different microscopy modalities on the same samples. Additionally, he is developing image registration, segmentation, and analysis pipelines to automate data extraction.